Daxia monopolizes high-end quantum chips, which is not conducive to technological innovation! -- "New York Times"Junguo's controllable nuclear fusion, neon begs for it! ——"Asahi Shimbun"Gu Qing: These are all high-end technologies, and you need to pay more. By the way, Neon should develop tourism we
An aviation disaster brought a genius in physics and materials back to 20 years ago. Starting from mathematics, ending with physics, with materials as the backbone and energy as the blood, a great country set sail here ......The rebirth of academicians, the beginning of science and technology, the e
Rocket engine wholesale, space plane maintenance, satellite repair and waxing, space garbage recycling, space tourism organization, solar system development, and be the navigator of human civilization!By the way, play something you wanted to play but couldn't before.For example, build a real mecha t
Parallel world, Blue Star, 2012Lu Haifeng traveled to the body of an unlucky personand awakened the "God-level Technology Mall" golden finger-you can use points to buy related technologies in the mall in the fields of mobile phones, cars, aviation, materials, etc.From then on, under the leadership o
Ren Zhong travels through the world of Bright Sword. He has no system and no space, so he cannot explode cannons, tanks and other weapons. He has to start military industry from scratch and accidentally becomes a powerful country.Not enough bullets? Try a manual production line that produces 10,000