Novel SchoolLife Audio

I Reincarnated as a Mob in a Magical Girl Anime and After Repeatedly Saving Them from Near-Destructi audio latest full

I Reincarnated as a Mob in a Magical Girl Anime and After Repeatedly Saving Them from Near-Destructi

49 chapters
3 months ago
I, who loves seeing magical girls in distress, was reincarnated as a mob character named Sota Hayami in the world of my favorite magical girl anime from my previous life.As usual, after watching the magical girls’ battles, I was touring the holy sites of darkness when, for some reason, I accidentall
Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love audio latest full

Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love

161 chapters
2 months ago
Fresh High School Love StoryAuthor’s Note: The characters in the work are not actual high school students, but adult actors portraying high school students.
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