Author Ye Huo Fen Xin

Godly Choice System audio latest full

Godly Choice System

Ye Huo Fen Xin
4361 chapters
10 months ago
Ordinary high school students get a god-level selection system, and their choices can become stronger!Huh? Is there a big beauty ahead and need help? ??Option 1: Step forward and help Fang Xue. Reward Charisma +5 and Fang Xue’s favorability +30.Option 2: Give Fang Xue a cup of hot drink. Reward Char
Godly Choice System audio latest full

Godly Choice System

Ye Huo Fen Xin
4355 chapters
10 days ago
Ordinary high school students get a god-level selection system, and their choices can become stronger!Huh? Is there a big beauty ahead and need help? ??Option 1: Step forward and help Fang Xue. Reward Charisma +5 and Fang Xue’s favorability +30.Option 2: Give Fang Xue a cup of hot drink. Reward Char
Urban Divine Choice System audio latest full

Urban Divine Choice System

Ye Huo Fen Xin
40 chapters
4 months ago
In Eylille, a bustling metropolis renowned for its strategic position at the sea’s estuary and vibrant trade, the ambition to thrive attracts many from surrounding counties. However, Limond stands out as a place for those lacking ambition. Amidst this backdrop, Yu Huazang, a high school senior from
Godly Master’s System Plug-in audio latest full

Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Ye Huo Fen Xin
1664 chapters
17 days ago
The master has a system, and the gods can’t stop the super master Li Yun from returning to the city.He carries the god-level exchange system to respect and love his parents.He has worked hard for half a life, but he was bullied by others and allowed me to use Raikage’s fury to kill and punish evil.
Godly Choice System audio latest full

Godly Choice System

Ye Huo Fen Xin
8689 chapters
17 days ago
Ordinary high school students get a god-level selection system, and their choices can become stronger!Huh? Is there a big beauty ahead and need help? ??Option 1: Step forward and help Fang Xue. Reward Charisma +5 and Fang Xue’s favorability +30.Option 2: Give Fang Xue a cup of hot drink. Reward Char
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