Author Floating 01

City Invincible Medical Saint audio latest full

City Invincible Medical Saint

Floating 01
4956 chapters
10 days ago
Ordinary student Li Tianchen accidentally obtained the inheritance of his ancestor Li Shenyi. From then on, with the help of universal medicine, he turned over once, stepped on the arrogant and evil forces, and slapped his face for the second generation, attracting the little Lolita next door to hug
City Invincible Medical Saint audio latest full

City Invincible Medical Saint

Floating 01
5074 chapters
17 days ago
Ordinary student Li Tianchen accidentally obtained the inheritance of his ancestor Li Shenyi. From then on, with the help of universal medicine, he turned over once, stepped on the arrogant and evil forces, and slapped his face for the second generation, attracting the little Lolita next door to hug
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