Author 5XL

After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player audio latest full

After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player

603 chapters
2 months ago
Reviving the parallel world, Chen Shuren rushed into the new world with the splendid culture of an entire planet.Ventriloquism, musical instruments, song writing, novels, calligraphy, comics, traditional Chinese painting, medical skills, ancient martial arts, opera, diet, Go... He only knows hundred
After Being Defeated By Qingmei, I Became The Top Player audio latest full

After Being Defeated By Qingmei, I Became The Top Player

418 chapters
9 months ago
After being defeated by Qingmei, I became the top stream. Introduction: Reviving the parallel world, Chen Shuren, with the brilliant culture of the entire planet, boldly entered the new world.He only knows one billion points in oral skills, musical instruments, songwriting, novels, calligraphy, comi
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