Wolf and Brothers audio latest full

Wolf and Brothers

Chun Yin Er Zhui
5898 chapters
1 day ago
The wolf, with a seemingly cold exterior, hides boundless affection. Willing to sacrifice oneself for family and brothers! Just like the character of the protagonist, Wang Ying, the coldness is not in his heart but his indifference to the world! He is like a wolf king, capable of becoming the core o

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Novel Introduction

The wolf, with a seemingly cold exterior, hides boundless affection. Willing to sacrifice oneself for family and brothers! Just like the character of the protagonist, Wang Ying, the coldness is not in his heart but his indifference to the world! He is like a wolf king, capable of becoming the core of the team no matter where he is, leading his brothers through life and death, never abandoning them! From the naivety of university days to the ups and downs of entering society, it's like an extraordinary path of survival! They are like a wolf pack, cooperating seamlessly, exploring together, fighting together, together...

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