Tomb Robbers: Immortals audio latest full

Tomb Robbers: Immortals

All Things Are Joyful
5 chapters
9 months ago
It doesn't matter where you come from or where you go, it depends on your heart and everything follows fate."He is a good person.""I'll go wherever it's interesting.""Under the clouds, I am an unknown person, not worth mentioning.""I always enjoy new things.""Niu'er, give me a smile.""In fact, the t

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Chapter 1: Xiaguang
Chapter 2: Retrogression
Chapter Three The Old Man
Chapter 5: Killing Fish
Chapter 4: Mine Caves

Novel Introduction

It doesn't matter where you come from or where you go, it depends on your heart and everything follows fate."He is a good person.""I'll go wherever it's interesting.""Under the clouds, I am an unknown person, not worth mentioning.""I always enjoy new things.""Niu'er, give me a smile.""In fact, the truth is not that important. I actually think it's better to live happily in life.""You don't understand, if you lose curiosity, adventure, and excitement, then this long life is meaningless.""What about you? Do you want to live forever?""Noble person? What's so expensive? Knock off his head.""Dear blind man, seeing words like a face...""I know I have a lot of charm, but you can't... you know, people and snakes don't have results.""Well said, don't say it again next time."

Latest chapter Tomb Robbers: Immortals

Chapter 4: Mine Caves
Chapter 5: Killing Fish
Chapter Three The Old Man
Chapter 2: Retrogression
Chapter 1: Xiaguang

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