This Man Has A Secret audio latest full

This Man Has A Secret

14 chapters
9 months ago
On his 18th birthday, Li Smile saved a guy named Ji Yanchen. He said he had amnesia and couldn't find his home, so he relied on Li Smile not to leave. Smile thinks he's extremely strange. He's cool and doesn't like to talk, but he feels strange about everything. He seems to know everything, but he d

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Chapter 2: Strange World
Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounters
Chapter 3: I Only Have Silver on Me
Chapter 5: The World is in the Phone
Chapter 4: Not Cutting Hair
Chapter 6: A Smile
Chapter 7: Being remembered by others
Chapter 9: Companions
Chapter 8: Objectives
Chapter 10: Three Dou Mi Waist
Chapter 11: Library
Chapter 12: Big Plate Chicken
Chapter 13: Beauty is Justice
Chapter 14: Invitation

Novel Introduction

On his 18th birthday, Li Smile saved a guy named Ji Yanchen. He said he had amnesia and couldn't find his home, so he relied on Li Smile not to leave. Smile thinks he's extremely strange. He's cool and doesn't like to talk, but he feels strange about everything. He seems to know everything, but he doesn't have common sense in life! A very contradictory person... It wasn't until a dark and stormy night, when a strange wind blew her to a place she couldn't even dream of, that she realized how much secret this man was hiding

Latest chapter This Man Has A Secret

Chapter 14: Invitation
Chapter 13: Beauty is Justice
Chapter 12: Big Plate Chicken
Chapter 11: Library
Chapter 10: Three Dou Mi Waist

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