The Rebirth Of Chaos Is Invincible With The Flood And Wilderness audio latest full

The Rebirth Of Chaos Is Invincible With The Flood And Wilderness

Fantastic Flying Fish
23 chapters
10 months ago
A wisp of divine soul rests between Hongmeng, witnessing Pangu's creation of heaven and earth in the chaos. Guide the world in the midst of the flood and lead its infinite growth.Hongjun, one finger scared you to death!N ü wa, the day after tomorrow, I worship you as a deity! In this unique wilderne

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Chapter 1: Rebirth of Chaos
Chapter 2: Me and Genesis Qinglian as Neighbors
Chapter 3: Guidance on Pangu's Testament
Chapter 4: Creating Heaven and Earth 1
Chapter 5: Creating Heaven and Earth 2
Chapter 6: Awakening System
Chapter 8: Fierce Beast Catastrophe
Chapter 7: Daoist Field
Chapter 10: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 1
Chapter 11: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 2
Chapter 14: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 5
Chapter 15: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 6
Chapter 13: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 4
Chapter 16: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 7
Chapter 18: Fang Bo's Testimony
Chapter 20: The First Lecture of Zixiao Palace
Chapter 21: Guiding the Witch Clan
Chapter 23: Pointing to the Sky
Chapter 9: Three Clan Wars: Fierce Beasts
Chapter 22: Second Lecture
Chapter 19: Hongjun Proves the Way and Becomes Sage
Chapter 17: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 8
Chapter 12: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 3

Novel Introduction

A wisp of divine soul rests between Hongmeng, witnessing Pangu's creation of heaven and earth in the chaos. Guide the world in the midst of the flood and lead its infinite growth.Hongjun, one finger scared you to death!N ü wa, the day after tomorrow, I worship you as a deity! In this unique wilderness, you rely on the system to lead the continuous growth of the wilderness, and in these heavens and all realms, you are revered! Let's see Fang Bo guide the world and soar in the wilderness!This is a growth story that sets it apart from the original plan of the wilderness. I hope everyone likes it!

Latest chapter The Rebirth Of Chaos Is Invincible With The Flood And Wilderness

Chapter 12: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 3
Chapter 17: The Struggle between Taoism and Demons 8
Chapter 19: Hongjun Proves the Way and Becomes Sage
Chapter 22: Second Lecture
Chapter 9: Three Clan Wars: Fierce Beasts

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