The Queen Dotes Lightly audio latest full

The Queen Dotes Lightly

Little White Is White
3 chapters
9 months ago
Legend has it that there is a ghost slaying underworld king in the underworld's underworld palace. Killing decisively, every little ghost was scared and thrown to the 18th floor of hell. Han Yanshen opened a small shop with three closed doors at the boundary of yin and yang, doing business in both w

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Chapter 2: The Different Prince of the Underworld
Chapter 1: Three Seals
Chapter 3: The duality of the underworld king

Novel Introduction

Legend has it that there is a ghost slaying underworld king in the underworld's underworld palace. Killing decisively, every little ghost was scared and thrown to the 18th floor of hell. Han Yanshen opened a small shop with three closed doors at the boundary of yin and yang, doing business in both worlds. However, in his eyes, the Lord of the Underworld was not as advertised by others

Latest chapter The Queen Dotes Lightly

Chapter 3: The duality of the underworld king
Chapter 1: Three Seals
Chapter 2: The Different Prince of the Underworld

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