The Lush And Lush Green Luo Trees audio latest full

The Lush And Lush Green Luo Trees

26 chapters
10 months ago
Is there really love at first sight in this world? It was originally an accidental encounter, but there was a hidden affection. The repeated opportunities and coincidences are like a red line in the hands of a lunar elder, connecting the two together. Although born into a wealthy family, he also und

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Chapter 1: Encountering Jiangnan
Chapter 2: Qi Baisheng, let's give it a try
Chapter 3: Gathering
Chapter 4: Undertaking Business
Chapter 6: Comfort
Chapter 7: The Little White Rabbit Falls into the Trap of the Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 5: Public Opinion Disputes
Chapter 11: Surprise
Chapter 8: Awkwardness
Chapter 12: Surprise (2)
Chapter 13: Surprise (3)
Chapter 14: Micro Ripples
Chapter 15: Brother Goes to Love
Chapter 16: Learning
Chapter 18: Encounter Again
Chapter 19: Sister, let me help you
Chapter 17: Preliminary Design
Chapter 20: Memories
Chapter 21: Zhongji
Chapter 22: Ambiguity
Chapter 23: I Want You to Promise Each Other
Chapter 24: Open Your Heart
Chapter 25: Gathering Together
Chapter 26: Touching
Chapter 10: Continuous Emotional Warming
Chapter 9: Emotional Warming

Novel Introduction

Is there really love at first sight in this world? It was originally an accidental encounter, but there was a hidden affection. The repeated opportunities and coincidences are like a red line in the hands of a lunar elder, connecting the two together. Although born into a wealthy family, he also understands the hardships of the world, and his gentle heart hides a cute and naive attitude. His cold and ruthless appearance seems to be his protective color, and true warmth like jade is only given to one person. Let's see how they interpret the world's ups and downs

Latest chapter The Lush And Lush Green Luo Trees

Chapter 9: Emotional Warming
Chapter 10: Continuous Emotional Warming
Chapter 26: Touching
Chapter 25: Gathering Together
Chapter 24: Open Your Heart

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