The Alchemist of Harry Potter audio latest full

The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Lazy cat on the keyboard
1374 chapters
25 days ago
Albert has never had any big ambitions. He has always thought of himself as a salted fish. He was reborn and turned on the panel cheat sheet. This is the proper way to become a winner in life. When Albert was planning to make a salted fish with a goal, the Owl sent an invitation from Hogwarts, and h

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Chapter 1: Owl Postman
Chapter 2: The past of the Anderson family
Chapter 3: visit
Chapter 4: Diagon Alley
Chapter 5: The magic wand that can bring luck
Chapter 6: Try Magic
Chapter 7: Magic night
Chapter 8: grandfather
Chapter 9: No disaster
Chapter 10: My home is professional
Chapter 11: Mess up
Chapter 12: Before school starts
Chapter 13: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 14: Earn 1 wave
Chapter 15: The wizard’s taste is a bit strange
Chapter 16: There is a generation gap
Chapter 17: Crossing the lake
Chapter 18: Bad taste
Chapter 19: We have a spy
Chapter 20: At the banquet
Chapter 21: Roommates
Chapter 22: Responsive house
Chapter 23: Secret Path and Filch
Chapter 24: Enthusiastic house elf
Chapter 25: Future players
Chapter 26: Open Sesame
Chapter 27: Back pot
Chapter 28: Be a dead man
Chapter 29: Cooking pot
Chapter 30: Phantom
Chapter 31: Night tour invitation
Chapter 32: Albert's Fudge Dafa
Chapter 33: Hogsmeade Village
Chapter 34: Joko's joke shop
Chapter 35: Passionate Kanon
Chapter 36: Muggle Wizard
Chapter 37: Spell class
Chapter 38: Summoning spell
Chapter 38: Summoning
Chapter 39: The chicken came first, the egg came first
Chapter 40: Boring history of magic
Chapter 41: Transfiguration
Chapter 42: Deformation Club
Chapter 43: late
Chapter 44: Teach you how to go to heaven
Chapter 45: Late... self-study?
Chapter 46: Iron Armor Curse
Chapter 47: Devil Net
Chapter 48: Unlock spell
Chapter 49: Escape of Defense Against the Dark Arts

Novel Introduction

Albert has never had any big ambitions. He has always thought of himself as a salted fish. He was reborn and turned on the panel cheat sheet. This is the proper way to become a winner in life. When Albert was planning to make a salted fish with a goal, the Owl sent an invitation from Hogwarts, and he realized that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy salted fish in the magic world. (Daily essays, fan-oriented, not dedicated to alchemy, please ignore the title of the book and see the work if you have any questions.)

Latest chapter The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1354: so scary
Chapter 1353: missing professor
Chapter 1352: Goblin Enemy
Chapter 1351: turn them into mice
Chapter 1350: Beat 3 Death Eaters

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