Steampunk Apocalypse! audio latest full

Steampunk Apocalypse!

190 chapters
29 days ago
Earth suffered apocalypse. All electronics over the world were destroyed. War and famine ravaged the lands. When humanity tried to rebuild, they discovered that most technology no longer worked. The laws that governed the world had changed!Steam technology rose in popularity after the apocalypse. Hu

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-1 List of Characters MAJOR SPOILERS!
1 Awakening!
2 Escape!
3 Steam Work City
4 Ed’s Power
5 Class Begins
6 Mr. Sai's training
7 Steam Core
8 New Studen
9 Backstory
10 Decision
11 Decision – Part 2
12 Ed's Right Arm
13 1st Mission
14 Mysterious Circumstances
15 All Hail the King!
16 Tormen
17 Memories
18 2nd Awakening
19 A New Path
20 An Old Friend
21 Murderer
22 The True Culpri
23 New Sinner Group
24 Improved Base
25 Experiments
26 HQ Arrives
27 Gunpoin
28 Takoyaki
29 Contrac
30 Mutant Cleanup
31 Rescue
32 The Devil Went Down to Georgia
33 Bad Luck
34 FAS
35 Hero
36 Epiphany
37 Resource Gathering
38 1st Human Experimen
39 2nd Human Experimen
40 Ceremony Preparation
41 Ceremony Speech
42 Ceremony Finale
43 China’s Secre
44 Yuki Sai - Part 1
45 Yuki Sai - Part 2
46 Yuki Sai - Part 3
47 Yuki Sai - Part 4
48 Mortal Dragon Technique
49 Return to Steam Work City

Novel Introduction

Earth suffered apocalypse. All electronics over the world were destroyed. War and famine ravaged the lands. When humanity tried to rebuild, they discovered that most technology no longer worked. The laws that governed the world had changed!Steam technology rose in popularity after the apocalypse. Humanity entered a new golden age. Then, the seven nightmares attacked. Espers with strange powers...

Latest chapter Steampunk Apocalypse!

189 Karmic Severing
188 Soul Seal
187 Many Lives
186 Genghis Khan
185 Napoleon

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