Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System audio latest full

Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System

Long Qi
156 chapters
10 days ago
Yuan Xi had a dream about a sexual encounter, only to discover after a night of pleasure that it had all been real. After being shocked silly for a long time, he ran away. Who would have thought that a big grown man like him would become pregnant and have a son? The question was, who is the child’s

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Chapter 1: illusion
Chapter 2: Beijing
Chapter 3: Attacked
Chapter 4: Get out of trouble
Chapter 5: pregnancy
Chapter 6: son
Chapter 7: system
Chapter 8: Car accident
Chapter 9: farm
Chapter 10: Ye Heng
Chapter 11: Fat bird
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Zhao Zhao
Chapter 14: Spar
Chapter 15: upgrade
Chapter 16: respectively
Chapter 17: Ye Huai
Chapter 18: chat
Chapter 19: misunderstanding
Chapter 20: Blue sea
Chapter 21: Identification
Chapter 22: Negotiate
Chapter 23: Meet
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Chapter 51: Original, declined to reprint

Novel Introduction

Yuan Xi had a dream about a sexual encounter, only to discover after a night of pleasure that it had all been real. After being shocked silly for a long time, he ran away. Who would have thought that a big grown man like him would become pregnant and have a son? The question was, who is the child’s father? It had been too dark for Lao Tzu to see clearly! Also, what was this daily life system that has been attached to him? Farming SkillRanching SkillHarvesting SkillCooking SkillBuilding SkillSkinning SkillSewing SkillSmithing Skill … There was a never-ending row of categories. 老子 Lao Tzu: A way of referring to oneself, usually in angry or joking situations.

Latest chapter Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System

Chapter 157: Fan outside collection
Chapter 156: end
Chapter 155:
Chapter 154:
Chapter 153:

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