Mingsha audio latest full


Like A Wandering Dragon
48 chapters
10 months ago
In the early winter of 1648 AD, in the fifth year of the Shunzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty had already entered the Shanhaiguan Pass for four years. During the Yongli reign of the Southern Ming Dynasty, the small court established the capital of Zhaoqing. In the Cangwu County on its

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Chapter 1: Imprisonment
Wedge - Dawn
Chapter 2: Gunshots
Chapter 3: Purpose
Chapter 4: Peers
Chapter 5: Smoke and Rain
Chapter 6: Xiangjiang River
Chapter 8: Fish Bait
Chapter 9: Counterattack
Chapter 10: Surrounding and Killing
Chapter 11: Severity
Chapter 7: Bandits
Chapter 12: Response
Chapter 21: Trading
Chapter 22: Time
Chapter 23: Fireworks
Chapter 25: Map
Chapter 26: Chaos
Chapter 16: Detailed Works
Chapter 19: Details
Chapter 20: Pursuit
Chapter 13: Dark Sons
Chapter 14: Horse Racing
Chapter 15: Tokens
Chapter 32: Luan Yi Wei
Chapter 34: Disguise
Chapter 27: Farewell
Chapter 28: Rebellion
Chapter 36: Household Offices
Chapter 18: Servants
Chapter 29: Reunion
Chapter 24: beheading
Chapter 33: Escape
Chapter 35: Manchus
Chapter 17: Interrogation
Chapter 37: Escape
Chapter 38: Solicitation
Chapter 30: Moving Forward
Chapter 31: Entry
Chapter 39: Datong
Chapter 41: Visits
Chapter 45: The Return Gun
Chapter 46: Ending Destiny
Chapter 47: Light and Darkness
Chapter 44: Entering the Prefecture
Chapter 40: Betrothal Gift
Chapter 42: Acquaintances
Chapter 43: Murder

Novel Introduction

In the early winter of 1648 AD, in the fifth year of the Shunzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty had already entered the Shanhaiguan Pass for four years. During the Yongli reign of the Southern Ming Dynasty, the small court established the capital of Zhaoqing. In the Cangwu County on its territory, a young man named Qi Jing was falsely accused and imprisoned, and was killed by the Falangji peopleIn the late winter of 1948, in the 37th year of the Republic of China, the first phase of the Huaihai Campaign ended. At the Nanjing New Year's Annual Meeting, there was an abnormal silence, and the plan to retreat had been decided. After the meeting, a spy with a disabled hand was killed by his seat explosionTime and space are intertwined, and the soul has penetrated here for three hundred years. Is it to persist in one's ideals, or to be disheartened and struggling to survive?"Young man, I see that you are so capable. Why not join me in the Qing Dynasty? Why stay in the south and suffer with them?""The Qing Dynasty?""What I changed back then was the fate of the Qing Dynasty!"

Latest chapter Mingsha

Chapter 43: Murder
Chapter 42: Acquaintances
Chapter 40: Betrothal Gift
Chapter 44: Entering the Prefecture
Chapter 47: Light and Darkness

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