The protagonist Yukimura Seishi, without CP, travels to a parallel world and only writes about the national competitionIn his previous life, Yukimura Seishi was tormented by illness for a lifetime. In this life, he realized that he was not sick, but Echizen Ryoma still managed to overcome obstacles
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Chapter 1: Crossing into a Parallel World
Chapter 2: Double with Makita
Chapter 3: JR Conference
Chapter 4: Lihaida
Chapter 5: Selection 1
Chapter 6: Selection 2
Chapter 7: Selection 3
Chapter 9: Lottery in Kanto
Chapter 10: Duel with the Ice Emperor
Chapter 8: Zone Preliminaries
Novel Introduction
The protagonist Yukimura Seishi, without CP, travels to a parallel world and only writes about the national competitionIn his previous life, Yukimura Seishi was tormented by illness for a lifetime. In this life, he realized that he was not sick, but Echizen Ryoma still managed to overcome obstacles and make it to the Kanto and National Championships. However, this time in singles three, it was Tezuka's national glory. That's right, with Yukimura's reminder, Tezuka was not injured, but no matter what, he will lead Tachibana to three consecutive championships