I Was Seduced By My Cousin's Crush On My Roommate audio latest full

I Was Seduced By My Cousin's Crush On My Roommate

Bamboo And Sugarcane
13 chapters
10 months ago
Lin Mo returned to the countryside for vacation after finishing his college entrance examination and met his cousin's roommate, Han Yuwei.In daily interactionsTwo people inevitably attract and tug at each otherJust as both sides were flirting and probingMy cousin sent a message saying that she has b

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Chapter 1: First Encounter
Chapter 2: Rubbing Rice
Chapter 3: Buying Vegetables
Chapter 4: Fishing
Chapter 5: Hospitals
Chapter 6: Party
Chapter 9: Exploration
Chapter 8: Horror Films
Chapter 10: Lost and Found
Chapter 11: Directions
Chapter 7: Play
Chapter 12: The Way Home
Chapter 12: Step by Step

Novel Introduction

Lin Mo returned to the countryside for vacation after finishing his college entrance examination and met his cousin's roommate, Han Yuwei.In daily interactionsTwo people inevitably attract and tug at each otherJust as both sides were flirting and probingMy cousin sent a message saying that she has been liking Han Yuwei for a long time and wants to be her wingman.Lin Mo frowned and was about to answer when suddenly Han Yuwei took her phone away"With me by my side and chatting with other women, right?"Sorry cousin, your roommate is too cunning.Years later, Han Yuwei recalled that summer vacation and met Lin Mo, which was truly the greatest fortune of her lifeAt the end of the year, the carefree little wolf dog (big shot) X is both greedy and playful, making it easy to be shy, Miss

Latest chapter I Was Seduced By My Cousin's Crush On My Roommate

Chapter 12: Step by Step
Chapter 12: The Way Home
Chapter 7: Play
Chapter 11: Directions
Chapter 10: Lost and Found

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