I, Reincarnated Into A Tree audio latest full

I, Reincarnated Into A Tree

2 chapters
10 months ago
The story of a person being reincarnated into a tree(The author is pure novice and doesn't understand anything. He writes randomly and updates freely. He can take a look at what he wants to see, and leave if he doesn't want to. Thank you everyone.)

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Chapter 2: Little Ant Nest
Chapter 1: Reincarnation into Trees

Novel Introduction

The story of a person being reincarnated into a tree(The author is pure novice and doesn't understand anything. He writes randomly and updates freely. He can take a look at what he wants to see, and leave if he doesn't want to. Thank you everyone.)

Latest chapter I, Reincarnated Into A Tree

Chapter 1: Reincarnation into Trees
Chapter 2: Little Ant Nest

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