Hail the King audio latest full

Hail the King

Mad Blade During Troubled Times
1634 chapters
6 days ago
An ordinary student accidentally traveled into an other universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legen
Change Voice: googleChristopherSaraJennyGuyAna
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Chapter 1: I’m the King?
Chapter 2: The Idiot became a Mad Man
Chapter 3: Don’t ever do that
Chapter 4: “Barbarian” Fei
Chapter 5: Quest Completed
Chapter 6: Unexpected Power
Chapter 7: Failing Defence line
Chapter 8: The Death
Chapter 9: The Enemies
Chapter 10: I’m Invincible
Chapter 11: The Loss
Chapter 12: It’s him!
Chapter 13: The Peace after the Storm
Chapter 14: The Healing Facility
Chapter 15: The Cure?
Chapter 16: The Insane Discovery
Chapter 17: The “’God’ of Toleration
Chapter 18: Magic Items Again
Chapter 19: 【Minor Healing Potion】
Chapter 20: Oscar-Worthy Acting
Chapter 21: Bullshit Continued
Chapter 22: The Azeroth Continent
Chapter 23: He is a beast
Chapter 24: Two Complete Opposite Commands
Chapter 25: Whipped Soldiers
Chapter 26: What the King Says Counts
Chapter 27: What the fuck are you?
Chapter 28: One Strike! Again!
Chapter 29: [King’s Sword]
Chapter 30: No Massacre if You Surrender
Chapter 31: This is a Real Warrior
Chapter 32: The Early Christmas Presents
Chapter 33: A Hot Mercenary
Chapter 34: Unexpected Change
Chapter 35: Elena’s Surprise
Chapter 36: Tristram
Chapter 37: Master, Please don’t fire me!
Chapter 38: Initiation of the Plan
Chapter 39: Sorcerer, Paladin and Necromancer
Chapter 40: Return of the King
Chapter 41: Surprising New Finds
Chapter 42: The Four Powers
Chapter 43: We Need to Initiate the Attack
Chapter 44: Super Strong Men
Chapter 45: Let’s go!
Chapter 46: The Horrifying Strike
Chapter 47: Blood Rains
Chapter 48: Massacre Continued
Chapter 49: The Power of a Necromancer
Chapter 50: Hail the King

Novel Introduction

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into an other universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come.

Latest chapter Hail the King

Chapter 1275.4 - The Grand Finale (Part Four)
Chapter 1275.3 - The Grand Finale (Part Three)
Chapter 1275.2 - The Grand Finale (Part Two)
Chapter 1275.1 - The Grand Finale (Part One)
Chapter 1274.3 - Finale (3) (Part Three)

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