From Today On, I Will Be Loli's Little White Face audio latest full

From Today On, I Will Be Loli's Little White Face

5 chapters
10 months ago
I, Heavenly Clear, leisurely decided to become a cartoonist. One day, I felt like my life had been fulfilled. That's because, relying on investment to earn pots and bowls of wealth, the beautiful elementary school girl, Ertiao Fujita, is actually my big fan and even said she wants to become my spons

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A dreamlike life
Fateful Encounter
The Encounter of Fate (2)
Preface ☆ From today on, I am Loli's little white face
A Dream like Life (2)

Novel Introduction

I, Heavenly Clear, leisurely decided to become a cartoonist. One day, I felt like my life had been fulfilled. That's because, relying on investment to earn pots and bowls of wealth, the beautiful elementary school girl, Ertiao Fujita, is actually my big fan and even said she wants to become my sponsor! Teng Hua let me stay at her house, basically not worried about food and clothing, and also bought me various comic books, BD figurines, coswear, and other things that can become my creative materials! Although having information may not necessarily lead to the creation of comics, with such a dreamy environment, I will one day be able to create works that will last forever and become famous Well, I think it's probably possible? The ideal little white face life full of sweetness and happiness has officially begun!

Latest chapter From Today On, I Will Be Loli's Little White Face

A Dream like Life (2)
Preface ☆ From today on, I am Loli's little white face
The Encounter of Fate (2)
Fateful Encounter
A dreamlike life

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