With both hands in his pockets, not knowing what an opponent is, Comrade He Ta, suspected of being a social idle person, used his eyes to forcibly interfere with Huang Zhu for a period of time. From then on, under the strong twisting force of gravity, He Qi and Huang Ju developed some kind of damn f
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1、 Mutual torment before confession
The torment before confession 2
The torment before confession 3
Novel Introduction
With both hands in his pockets, not knowing what an opponent is, Comrade He Ta, suspected of being a social idle person, used his eyes to forcibly interfere with Huang Zhu for a period of time. From then on, under the strong twisting force of gravity, He Qi and Huang Ju developed some kind of damn friction heat generation, attracting each other, and then attracting each otherRecording my psychedelic past in a diary like form