Farming Together wIth Interstellar People audio latest full

Farming Together wIth Interstellar People

Sleeping Kitten
47 chapters
25 days ago
Bai Li, an Agricultural Deity from the immortal world, traveled to the Interstellar era where land is scarce and his farming soul is burning. In a world full of were-people who can turn into many different types of animals, he is a rare human who does not have an animal form.He entered the ‘Virtual

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Novel Introduction

Bai Li, an Agricultural Deity from the immortal world, traveled to the Interstellar era where land is scarce and his farming soul is burning. In a world full of were-people who can turn into many different types of animals, he is a rare human who does not have an animal form.He entered the ‘Virtual Reality Game Design Competition’ and created the farming game ‘Carefree Farmstead’, leading Interstellar people to farm and explore in the game so that they can gradually understand the charm of farming. The game would lead Interstellar People to grow and explore in the game, and let them gradually realize the charm of farming. Farming, food, infrastructure, life ….Inadvertently, the interstellar people’s real life takes on a new twist.

Latest chapter Farming Together wIth Interstellar People

CH 47
CH 46
CH 45
CH 44
CH 43

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