Escape Apprentice audio latest full

Escape Apprentice

8 chapters
9 months ago
"Da... da... da... da..."The girl huddled in a dark corner, tightly covering her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.The sound of footsteps grew closer, and despair and fear completely overwhelmed the girl's rationality.The man's pale face suddenly protruded from the darkness, "Hehe, you'

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Chapter 1: Midnight Hall
Chapter 2: Abandoned Estate
Chapter 3: Krich's Diary
Chapter 8: Villa Shock
Chapter 7: Reduction of Personnel
Chapter 4: Seven People's Chicken Killing
Chapter 5: Black Mist
Chapter 6: Butcher, Female Police Officer, and Killer

Novel Introduction

"Da... da... da... da..."The girl huddled in a dark corner, tightly covering her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.The sound of footsteps grew closer, and despair and fear completely overwhelmed the girl's rationality.The man's pale face suddenly protruded from the darkness, "Hehe, you're here~"The girl trembled as she looked behind the man, a thunderous explosion echoed, and a broken and tall black figure stood behind the man, lifting a bleeding butcher's knife!

Latest chapter Escape Apprentice

Chapter 6: Butcher, Female Police Officer, and Killer
Chapter 5: Black Mist
Chapter 4: Seven People's Chicken Killing
Chapter 7: Reduction of Personnel
Chapter 8: Villa Shock

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