Drizzle Tracing audio latest full

Drizzle Tracing

Mu Jinxuan
10 chapters
9 months ago
[Lin Xufeng X Jiangbei Spring]Face paralysis in front of strangers, no face attack in front of objects, cold and thin skinned forensic treatmentJiang Beiquan's parents went missing when he was 5 years old. From childhood to adulthood, it was his aunt who pulled him up alone. Jiang Beiquan will alway

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Chapter 1: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 2: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 3: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 4: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 5: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 7: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 6: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 8: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 9: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 10: The Girl Tragedy

Novel Introduction

[Lin Xufeng X Jiangbei Spring]Face paralysis in front of strangers, no face attack in front of objects, cold and thin skinned forensic treatmentJiang Beiquan's parents went missing when he was 5 years old. From childhood to adulthood, it was his aunt who pulled him up alone. Jiang Beiquan will always remember this family and kindness, but in one accident, he will never find his last relative in this world again.During that period, Jiangbei Spring fell into a low valley, but he also encountered Lin Xufeng. In the process of getting along, he slowly developed a sense of unease towards another person.They support each other, solve various cases, but are also involved in larger conspiracies

Latest chapter Drizzle Tracing

Chapter 10: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 9: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 8: The Girl Tragedy
Chapter 6: Ghostly Enchantment
Chapter 7: The Girl Tragedy

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