Devouring The Strongest Lord audio latest full

Devouring The Strongest Lord

Xiangxiang Crossing The River
1 chapters
9 months ago
Li Chen traveled to a world that devoured the starry sky and became the sword of life, Yifeng, in the same genius battle as Luo Feng.Can he enter the primitive secret realm?Can it become a peerless demon that emerges in millions of epochs?The heavens are strong, and gentlemen strive for self-improve

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Chapter 1: Am I Yifeng?

Novel Introduction

Li Chen traveled to a world that devoured the starry sky and became the sword of life, Yifeng, in the same genius battle as Luo Feng.Can he enter the primitive secret realm?Can it become a peerless demon that emerges in millions of epochs?The heavens are strong, and gentlemen strive for self-improvement without stopping

Latest chapter Devouring The Strongest Lord

Chapter 1: Am I Yifeng?

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