Darkly Favored And Coldly Abandoned audio latest full

Darkly Favored And Coldly Abandoned

Jue Jue
18 chapters
10 months ago
Su Xiaoji was wrongly imprisoned by her biological father for holding 15% of the shares of the Su family.My mother suddenly died unexpectedly, and the whereabouts of my foster parents are unknown.Half a year later, he was sold by his younger brother to a man named Chi Yue and forced to obtain a cert

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Chapter 4: Two No Shortcomings
Chapter 2: Your younger brother sold you to me
Chapter 1: You were acquitted and released
Chapter 8: Are you still qualified to negotiate terms with me
Chapter 9: Fan Man is getting more and more convenient
Chapter 11: Two Lives
Chapter 10: How Many Benefits Did You Get
Chapter 7: How Did You Have My Documents
Chapter 3: You can contact Su Beichen for a return
Chapter 12: Chi Yue Ge is Rich and Handsome
Chapter 13: Sisters Are Really Hungry and Thirsty
Chapter 14: Exchange Money for Your Mother's ashes
Chapter 15: I Want 100000
Chapter 16: Goodbye, Mr. Chi
Chapter 17: Self retrieval without password
Chapter 18: Did they hit you?
Don't call me brother after Chapter 6
Chapter 5: You Must Marry Him

Novel Introduction

Su Xiaoji was wrongly imprisoned by her biological father for holding 15% of the shares of the Su family.My mother suddenly died unexpectedly, and the whereabouts of my foster parents are unknown.Half a year later, he was sold by his younger brother to a man named Chi Yue and forced to obtain a certificate to get married

Latest chapter Darkly Favored And Coldly Abandoned

Chapter 5: You Must Marry Him
Don't call me brother after Chapter 6
Chapter 18: Did they hit you?
Chapter 17: Self retrieval without password
Chapter 16: Goodbye, Mr. Chi

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