A fantasy journey centered around the Classic of Mountains and Seas, where the protagonist Lu Zicheng, as a descendant of Bai Ze, and his teammates seal off ferocious beasts and collect evil spirits, ultimately defeating the mastermind Chaos behind the scenes.
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Chapter 2: Master Fox
Chapter 4: First Task Completion
Chapter 5: Art Museum
Chapter 6: Moving Stone Statues
Chapter 7: Ghost Troupe
Chapter 8: Ghost City Saving People
When killing ghosts at 3am
Gemini Trick Reveals Divine Power
Escape from the ghost city.
Chapter 3: Tasks
Chapter 1: Secrets About Me
Novel Introduction
A fantasy journey centered around the Classic of Mountains and Seas, where the protagonist Lu Zicheng, as a descendant of Bai Ze, and his teammates seal off ferocious beasts and collect evil spirits, ultimately defeating the mastermind Chaos behind the scenes.