Awakening For The Sake Of Living audio latest full

Awakening For The Sake Of Living

And Cherish It
5 chapters
10 months ago
In the late Northern Song Dynasty, the government was corrupt, officials were sold and nobles were promoted, society was turbulent, internal uprisings were frequent, and the Liao and Jin dynasties were eyeing the outside world. The people lacked food and were displaced, struggling to survive. Throug

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Chapter 1: Living is Not Easy
Chapter 2: Life and Death
Chapter 3: First Class of Taiping College
Chapter 4: Taiping College Part 2
Chapter 5: Female Assassins

Novel Introduction

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, the government was corrupt, officials were sold and nobles were promoted, society was turbulent, internal uprisings were frequent, and the Liao and Jin dynasties were eyeing the outside world. The people lacked food and were displaced, struggling to survive. Through a choice between secondary and death, they embarked on the path of awakening.

Latest chapter Awakening For The Sake Of Living

Chapter 5: Female Assassins
Chapter 4: Taiping College Part 2
Chapter 3: First Class of Taiping College
Chapter 2: Life and Death
Chapter 1: Living is Not Easy

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