Ask The World audio latest full

Ask The World

Hui Muxi
10 chapters
9 months ago
Why do people still suffer to the extreme in a world of love? Why is the human world punished by nature? Why is the world order like this? Why cannot countries coexist peacefully? Can peace be achieved only after confrontation? Where exactly is the problem? Is the existing system fair? Is the univer

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Chapter 1: starts with this topic - Is the existence of presumption of innocence and legitimate defense reasonable?
Chapter 2: The greatest human right is the desire to be loved
Can Chapter 1 "Artificial Intelligence" Disrupt Humans?
Chapter 0: "One Blow, Another Decline, Three Exhaustions"
Chapter 3: "Petition" - From an "Ugly" Incident to See that Evil is Invincible to Good
Chapter 5: Natural Laws of Coordination and Balance
Should we be grateful or worried about Chapter 2?
Chapter 4:, thank you for reading this far
Chapter 3: Suspected Crime from Existence
Chapter 1: The World is inherently One

Novel Introduction

Why do people still suffer to the extreme in a world of love? Why is the human world punished by nature? Why is the world order like this? Why cannot countries coexist peacefully? Can peace be achieved only after confrontation? Where exactly is the problem? Is the existing system fair? Is the universally recognized "golden rule" reasonable? The relationship between morality and law?This is a reflection of the world by a "new youth" who learned the full text in high school, and a self redemption of a naive child's sudden whims on an insomnia night. Not a novel, just some fragmented thoughts.If you are also deeply in pain like me but want to find a way out, I hope that after reading this text, you can reconcile with yourself, reconcile with the world, and continue to walk bravely.

Latest chapter Ask The World

Chapter 1: The World is inherently One
Chapter 3: Suspected Crime from Existence
Chapter 4:, thank you for reading this far
Should we be grateful or worried about Chapter 2?
Chapter 5: Natural Laws of Coordination and Balance

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