A Small Lucky Star Fell From The Sky audio latest full

A Small Lucky Star Fell From The Sky

Golden Autumn Gradually Falls
3 chapters
9 months ago
Although Chu Yiqing was unwilling to enter the palace and become a nun, she didn't expect her daily struggles to end abruptly. Who can tell her what's going on with the manor in front of her that looks like a Western painting? She sleeps on the lawn with her clothes disheveled and her face bare.Gu Q

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Chapter 1: The Sorrow of the Candidate Girl
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 3: Leaving the Gu Family

Novel Introduction

Although Chu Yiqing was unwilling to enter the palace and become a nun, she didn't expect her daily struggles to end abruptly. Who can tell her what's going on with the manor in front of her that looks like a Western painting? She sleeps on the lawn with her clothes disheveled and her face bare.Gu Qinli was threatened by his grandmother to go home. Who can tell him who the woman in front of him is wearing a strange and draped tablecloth in his living room? Before he could speak much, the other person was already wiping away tears. He hates crying women the most.

Latest chapter A Small Lucky Star Fell From The Sky

Chapter 3: Leaving the Gu Family
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 1: The Sorrow of the Candidate Girl

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