Author southgamez

Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System audio latest full

Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System

217 chapters
10 days ago
The Main Character Soren was *Cough Cough* in a car when an accident happened, he was then killed and brought in front of God. God gave him 3 wishes, his wishes had some restrictions but he wished for a System that in connected to every Anime in the Multiverse and now he travels getting stronger to
Multiverse System In The Real World audio latest full

Multiverse System In The Real World

59 chapters
10 days ago
Soren had died and met with God who was originally going to just send him to Heaven like everyone else who entered Judgement Day, but due to looking over Soren's memories, God found all the stories he had read interesting and decided to create a world just for Soren to grow into a God. Join Soren on
Avatar With A System audio latest full

Avatar With A System

19 chapters
10 days ago
Join Soren as he joins Team Avatar on their Journey around the world running from the Fire Nation while training to fight and defeat the Fire Lord and end the war to bring peace and balance back to the world. I don't own anything used in this story related to Avatar: The Last Airbender except for my
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