Author Zhen De Lao Lang

Age of Adepts audio latest full

Age of Adepts

Zhen De Lao Lang
1513 chapters
24 days ago
A data loving young man from Earth has an accident which transports him to a dark land filled with terrifying creatures and magical powers. Fortunately for him, he has a Biological Assistance Chip to ease his path. However, things in this bizarre and strange world are not always as they seem, and, t
Age of Adepts audio latest full

Age of Adepts

Zhen De Lao Lang
1513 chapters
4 months ago
A data loving young man from Earth has an accident which transports him to a dark land filled with terrifying creatures and magical powers. Fortunately for him, he has a Biological Assistance Chip to ease his path. However, things in this bizarre and strange world are not always as they seem, and, t
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