Author Xingling Executive Officer

The Strongest King Of The Anti Japanese War audio latest full

The Strongest King Of The Anti Japanese War

Xingling Executive Officer
32 chapters
10 months ago
My new work has been released, welcome everyone to read my work in Tomato Novel. I hope everyone can enjoy it. Your attention is the driving force behind my writing, and I will strive to tell every story well!
Special Forces: Exit Red Blood Cells At The Beginning audio latest full

Special Forces: Exit Red Blood Cells At The Beginning

Xingling Executive Officer
91 chapters
8 months ago
As a two-year veteran, not being able to join the special forces has always been a major regret in the hearts of the executive. Opening a special forces novel today can also be considered a regret to end the executive's heart! This book promises not to stop pushing, not to close, and never to stop u
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