Author Xiao Xuan

Who Touched My Tail! audio latest full

Who Touched My Tail!

Xiao Xuan
211 chapters
24 days ago
Xue Ling is a nine tailed fox who has been cultivating for thousands of years but lost all his tails in a moment of capriciousness.Tails are easy to self destruct, but not easy to recover. In order to restore his human figure, he must struggle to destroy the plot, forcibly change the protagonist
Who touch my tails?!! audio latest full

Who touch my tails?!!

Xiao Xuan
211 chapters
1 year ago
BL/YaoiAuthor: 筱玄 Xiao XuanTranslators: xiin. Editors: alamerysl, BlueBugGenre: Adventure, Comedy, Completed, Quick Transmigrationchrysanthemum garden-----------------------------------------Xue Ling is a nine-tailed fox who has been cultivating for thousands of years but lost all his tails in a mom
The Year of Rebirth audio latest full

The Year of Rebirth

Xiao Xuan
81 chapters
4 months ago
Su Liunian was buried in the fire, but woke up to find himself in a completely strange place. Whether it is rebirth or time travel, Su Liunian began to fight for tuition.But being knocked unconscious and forcibly taken home, threatened to stay or imprisoned… Is this way of waking really scientific?T
Who Touched My Tail! audio latest full

Who Touched My Tail!

Xiao Xuan
208 chapters
4 months ago
Xue Ling is a nine tailed fox who has been cultivating for thousands of years but lost all his tails in a moment of capriciousness.Tails are easy to self-destruct, but not easy to recover. In order to restore his human figure, he must struggle to destroy the plot, forcibly change the protagonist’s f
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