Author Ultra Serious

40K: Where Did The Emperor Go? audio latest full

40K: Where Did The Emperor Go?

Ultra Serious
193 chapters
10 months ago
The emperor on the Golden Throne mysteriously disappeared, and a large ball of light was added to maintain the operation of the Golden Throne.The unlucky adventurer Liu Coin appeared on a slave world planet where fighting was prevalent. He had to fight various monsters every day, and his only golden
40K: Where Did The Emperor Go? audio latest full

40K: Where Did The Emperor Go?

Ultra Serious
189 chapters
10 months ago
40K: Where did the emperor go? Introduction: The mysterious disappearance of the emperor on the Golden Throne has added a large ball of light to maintain the operation of the Golden Throne. The unlucky adventurer Liu Coin appeared on a slave world planet where fighting was preval
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