Author Tong Tang

Harry Potter's School of Invincibility audio latest full

Harry Potter's School of Invincibility

Tong Tang
1620 chapters
10 days ago
Everyone is afraid of mysterious people. The savior Harry has bad luck. Allen Harris has the Xueba invincible system. Watch the Xueba go down in the wizarding world and create legends!
Hogwarts Everything is Three audio latest full

Hogwarts Everything is Three

Tong Tang
1625 chapters
17 days ago
1. Plot: Alan Harris is reborn in the HP world, trying to reform wizard education and breaking the “Secrecy Act”-in the end, the boss is not Voldemort, but another character that exists in the original book.2. Style: This article is not really systematic. According to the HP style, the development o
Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility audio latest full

Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Tong Tang
1632 chapters
17 days ago
Everyone is afraid of mysterious people. The savior Harry has bad luck. Allen Harris has the Xueba invincible system. Watch the Xueba go down in the wizarding world and create legends!
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