Author Salem

The Memorandum of a Fateful Encounter audio latest full

The Memorandum of a Fateful Encounter

303 chapters
10 days ago
Synopsis: This is the story of Chu Tianqi, a young man who is as ordinary as can be. His life trajectory seems to exist only to prove one fact: that every person has their own great value, and given an opportunity, any ordinary person can become extraordinary.Police officers, lawyers, doctors, super
YY King: The Media Empire Trilogy audio latest full

YY King: The Media Empire Trilogy

256 chapters
10 days ago
Synopsis: My previous book, 《Play Until You Break Down》, wasn't successful, but it was an indispensable experiment for Salem. It helped me adapt to a lighthearted writing style. After a month of adjustments, and confirming that I could indeed grasp this style, I began writing this new book, 《Memoran
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