Author Remove the Head and Eat

Are You Telling An Eight-Year-Old To Survive In The Wilderness? audio latest full

Are You Telling An Eight-Year-Old To Survive In The Wilderness?

Remove the Head and Eat
313 chapters
24 days ago
The live show, Survive in Wilderness was a hit.There were thousands of participants in the game show. They would all start by parachuting from a plane and land randomly in a primary forest.The participants would have to rely only on a backpack, a water bottle, and a dagger to survive.Yu Beier was on
Are You Telling An Eight-Year-Old To Survive In The Wilderness? audio latest full

Are You Telling An Eight-Year-Old To Survive In The Wilderness?

Remove the Head and Eat
313 chapters
24 days ago
The live show, Survive in Wilderness was a hit.There were thousands of participants in the game show. They would all start by parachuting from a plane and land randomly in a primary forest.The participants would have to rely only on a backpack, a water bottle, and a dagger to survive.Yu Beier was on
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