Author Platonic formula

Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed audio latest full

Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed

Platonic formula
259 chapters
4 days ago
National Cultivation World was a game that used to be the hottest trend on Earth. However, after 10 years, a lot of players had left the game causing it to terminate its service soon. Qin Mu was the only player left signing into the game every day to receive the experience reward, clear a few dungeo
Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed audio latest full

Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed

Platonic formula
259 chapters
6 months ago
“National Immortal Cultivation World” is an immortal cultivation game that once exploded on Blue Star.But in the past ten years, a large number of players have retreated and abandoned the pit, and the game has been shut down.Qin Mu is the only one left to sign in every day to get experience, do ques
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