Author Nightsummer20

Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist audio latest full

Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist

308 chapters
10 days ago
"Set up all of these hundred items for tomorrow's auction." The lady ordered as she took a seat on her golden throne."But Miss Li, why do you want to auction off so many things?""What kind of stupid question is that? Isn't it obvious? I need more money, so auction them all and help me get more money
The Vampire Empress: Blood Queen & Her Kings audio latest full

The Vampire Empress: Blood Queen & Her Kings

119 chapters
10 days ago
"Do you seriously think that you can walk out of here without receiving any punishment for your deeds?"He asked in a cold tone as his cerulean blue eyes peered at her intensely."Huh?"Jiang Ying Yue stared back at the four devil lords standing in front of her as she tried to recall exactly which deed
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