Author Nate_Quinn

Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor audio latest full

Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

863 chapters
29 days ago
There are three realms in the multi verse; The cosmic, the mortal and the nether realm. Hal grew up in the mortal realm with no idea whatsoever of who his parents were. His love for relics, adventure and the occasional danger would aid him in finding a genie’s lamp.Rubbing a genie’s lamp should gran
Rise of the Cosmic\_Emperor audio latest full

Rise of the Cosmic\_Emperor

892 chapters
1 year ago
There are three realms in the multi verse; The Cosmic, the Mortal and the Nether realm.Hal grew up in the mortal realm with no idea whatsoever of who his parents were.His love for relics, adventure and the occasional danger would aid him in finding a genie's lamp.Rubbing a genie's lamp should grant
Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor audio latest full

Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

614 chapters
29 days ago
There are three realms in the multi verse; The Cosmic, the Mortal and the Nether realm.Hal grew up in the mortal realm with no idea whatsoever of who his parents were.His love for relics, adventure and the occasional danger would aid him in finding a genie's lamp.Rubbing a genie's lamp should grant
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