Author Mo Xi Ke

The Legitimate Daughter Doesn’t Care! audio latest full

The Legitimate Daughter Doesn’t Care!

Mo Xi Ke
395 chapters
25 days ago
There was a big scandal in the Mu family.The real daughter of the Mu family was switched by the nanny since she was a child. The Mu family didn’t bring her back from countryside until 17 years later!After the true daughter returned – There was no affection, only sympathy.The Mu family parents aske
Mother of School Grass audio latest full

Mother of School Grass

Mo Xi Ke
77 chapters
4 months ago
Chai Meichen, an unmarried single mother, has a handsome son, who is slightly on a ‘naughty’ side.Suddenly one day, after waking up, Chai Meichen found that her appearance had reverted back to her sixteen-year-old self! Her beauty was still there, and she hadn’t gained weight yet. Her hair was still
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