Author Meng Luo Ting Die

Strike Back, Proud Goddess! audio latest full

Strike Back, Proud Goddess!

Meng Luo Ting Die
543 chapters
1 year ago
Xiao Rou, a girl growing up in a poor countryside family, finds that she’s actually the daughter of a wealthy couple. Her mother had mistaken another girl for her back at the hospital. Thinking she would change from an ugly duckling to a noble swan and live happily ever after with her real family, r
Strike Back, Proud Goddess! audio latest full

Strike Back, Proud Goddess!

Meng Luo Ting Die
543 chapters
29 days ago
Xiao Rou, a girl growing up in a poor countryside family, finds that she’s actually the daughter of a wealthy couple. Her mother had mistaken another girl for her back at the hospital. Thinking she would change from an ugly duckling to a noble swan and live happily ever after with her real famil
Strike Back, Proud Goddess! audio latest full

Strike Back, Proud Goddess!

Meng Luo Ting Die
547 chapters
4 months ago
Xiao Rou, a girl growing up in a poor countryside family, finds that she’s actually the daughter of a wealthy couple. Her mother had mistaken another girl for her back at the hospital. Thinking she would change from an ugly duckling to a noble swan and live happily ever after with her real family, r
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