Author Mei Lan Zhi Jia

The Flower Years Of Girls audio latest full

The Flower Years Of Girls

Mei Lan Zhi Jia
6 chapters
10 months ago
The cute and interesting girl Su Zhiran was admitted to the media major at Qinyang University at the age of eighteen, realizing her childhood dream of going to college. In her college life, she met new friends who were a group of friendly and individualistic friends. She also fell in love with a sun
Fragrant Time audio latest full

Fragrant Time

Mei Lan Zhi Jia
60 chapters
8 months ago
At the age of eighteen, Su Zhiran was in her prime and through her own efforts, she was admitted to the Communication major at Qinyang University. I met roommates with different characteristics here and became good friends with them, spending happy college time with them. Su Zhiran's family is relat
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