Author Los Angeles East

Peerless Martial Soul audio latest full

Peerless Martial Soul

Los Angeles East
5909 chapters
1 day ago
In the Dragon Vessel Continent, there are thousands of ethnic groups, countless sects, and martial artists are respected. The strong destroy the world, the weak crawl like ants. Young Chen Feng, his dantian is like iron, unable to practice, he was cold-eyed. Occasionally got the supreme dragon’s blo
Peerless Martial Soul audio latest full

Peerless Martial Soul

Los Angeles East
1791 chapters
2 months ago
On the Dragon Continent, there are countless tribes and sects, and martial artists are revered. The strong destroy the sky and the earth, while the weak crawl like ants. Young Chen Feng, with his elixir like iron, was unable to cultivate and received a cold eye. I accidentally received the supreme d
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