Author Liuan Huayouming

I Don't Want To Reincarnate audio latest full

I Don't Want To Reincarnate

Liuan Huayouming
1069 chapters
2 days ago
Chen Hansheng was the elite amongst all the elites, a bachelor who possessed immense wealth. Surprisingly, he returned back in time to when he was still a high school senior.Now, he was troubled between two choices. He had no idea if he should choose Shen Youmeng, the treasured beauty, or Xiao Rongy
I Don't Want To Reincarnate audio latest full

I Don't Want To Reincarnate

Liuan Huayouming
544 chapters
5 months ago
Chen Hansheng was the elite amongst all the elites, a bachelor who possessed immense wealth. Surprisingly, he returned back in time to when he was still a high school senior.Now, he was troubled between two choices. He had no idea if he should choose Shen Youmeng, the treasured beauty, or Xiao Rongy
I Don't Want To Reincarnate audio latest full

I Don't Want To Reincarnate

Liuan Huayouming
1074 chapters
2 days ago
Chen Hansheng was the elite amongst all the elites, a bachelor who possessed immense wealth. Surprisingly, he returned back in time to when he was still a high school senior.Now, he was troubled between two choices. He had no idea if he should choose Shen Youmeng, the treasured beauty, or Xiao Rongy
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