Author Liu Yao

I Was Heard By The Emperor audio latest full

I Was Heard By The Emperor

Liu Yao
9 chapters
10 months ago
Jiang Jie'er's fianc é was taken away by her arch rivals, and even the man she fell in love with at first sight fell in love with her. Just when Jiang Jie'er was in unbearable pain, she obtained a magical novel that was just like her real situation. Does the heart reading male lead like mysterious p
That Wicked Woman Wants To Die audio latest full

That Wicked Woman Wants To Die

Liu Yao
7 chapters
10 months ago
Wearing the image of a wicked woman in a novel, he is the villain who was exposed and executed in a conspiracy to kill the female protagonist.In order to escape from another world and decide to die, after repeated attempts and failures, he could only comply with the rules of the coexistence of theol
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