Author Li Si Yang

I Guarded Impel Down for a Hundred Years audio latest full

I Guarded Impel Down for a Hundred Years

Li Si Yang
404 chapters
8 hours ago
Synopsis: "I neither like the pirates who burn and plunder, nor do I like the current World Government, so there are things that should be managed, I turn a blind eye, and there are things that shouldn't be managed, but I have to manage them—This is my justice." Facing his junior who had just been p
Ninja Arena audio latest full

Ninja Arena

Li Si Yang
428 chapters
4 hours ago
Content Introduction: With a mobile game arena, the super ninja of the Grass Village unexpectedly finds his first mission to become the tutor of little Karin, brainwashing her.Super Ninja: "Karin, listen, the Grass Village is great, really great..."After a while.Little Karin: "Brother Super Ninja, d
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