Author Jiu Dang Jia

Spirit Vessel audio latest full

Spirit Vessel

Jiu Dang Jia
1240 chapters
12 days ago
A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even thou
Spirit Vessel audio latest full

Spirit Vessel

Jiu Dang Jia
1239 chapters
12 days ago
A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even thou
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