Author Ichiz

Married For Two Years, The Officer's Husband Can't Bear It Anymore audio latest full

Married For Two Years, The Officer's Husband Can't Bear It Anymore

432 chapters
8 months ago
Military Marriage ➕ [Jie] ➕ [Aristocratic Family] ➕ Reaching Out to Each Other/Two-Way EffortsIn the witness of everyone, Gu Beinian and Lu Nanchen shook their fingers and exchanged wedding vows. They looked at each other affectionately and made promises to each other. They said:"I am willing to mar
Married For Two Years, The Officer's Husband Can't Bear It Anymore audio latest full

Married For Two Years, The Officer's Husband Can't Bear It Anymore

366 chapters
9 months ago
Military marriage? [Jie]? [Aristocratic Family]? Reaching Out to Each Other/Two-Way EffortsIn the witness of everyone, Gu Beinian and Lu Nanchen shook their fingers and exchanged wedding vows. They looked at each other affectionately and made promises to each other. They said:"I am willing to marry
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